Monday, April 21, 2014

Let's Celebrate One Year of Nonnie's Blog ~ Happy Birthday ~ Are You Watching Nonnie Write? ~ Blog Tour

Hello, and welcome to Day 6 of my  “HAPPY BIRTHDAY:  ARE YOU WATCHING NONNIE WRITE? ” Blog Tour.  Fellow Rave Reviews Book Club member, Victoria, has graciously invited me to share with her readers today and I’m so thankful and happy to be here!

This month marks the one year anniversary of my burst onto the social media scene and during that time, I have published three REALLY GOOD books and have learned so very much about the industry.  Although I’ve been a writer for most of my life (actually, I was born one), I only just became a published author in 2013.  Some might say, “In that short amount of time, what does she know?” Well, I’m here to tell you that “SHE” has learned a lot!  SHE” has taken the time to hone her skills in the writing department as well as her knowledge.  SHE” has taken the bull by the horn and run full speed ahead in building her author platform and establishing herself in the writing industry.  SHE” is making her name KNOWN.

On each stop of my tour, I share with you tips on writing, publishing and support, all topics equally important to the writing industry.  I hope that what I am imparting, you will take, mull over, and then act on in the best interest of YOU.

With that being said, here is …


This will be the second time on my tour that I have mentioned misery and how much it loves company.  Today, I’m going to talk about that term that has been attached to those “haters” over in Goodreads-land.  Now, I know some of you love Goodreads, and that’s fine, but I tend to choose not to get too taken with people and places that are filled with ugly and negativity.  It seems Goodreads was made to house both of these criminals.  I think the word they use over there is TROLLS, and I think they use this word for anyone who dares to come into their territory and DISAGREE with them.  But today, we’re turning it around on them, because I think TROLLS are nothing but TROUBLE-MAKERS.

These people literally peruse sites looking for anything they can find wrong with someone else’s book. If they don’t like the title, the cover, the author’s name…whatever it is, they find something to spark an ugly conversation about it.  And even if there is NOTHING wrong to be found, oh, let me tell you…they will CREATE something.  I call this “trolling for trouble.”  There’s always a ring-leader who gets the other trolls all riled up and standing behind her.  They stand behind her in this little army-like fashion until the one she’s attacking “comes for her,” and then she somehow finds her way to the very back.  Because even though these “cowards”…I mean “trolls,” are hiding behind their keyboards feeling tough, they still feel defenseless when strong, intelligent words are thrown in their direction.  See, intelligence of any kind, frightens them.  They like to use those words that are used by people with very limited vocabularies.  I don’t need to spell those words out for you, we all know the ones I’m speaking of.  These trolls also seek out books with sterling 5 star reviews and intentionally leave poor reviews just to mess up this author’s rating.  Intentionally!  How sick is this?

So I say to you today, STAND UP to these “bullies,”… oops, there I go again, I mean “trolls” and let them know that they are “trolling for trouble” in the wrong place.  Let them know that you will not be intimidated by their ugliness or their very limited vocabularies.  Show them that you will not back down from their little army of troll followers and that you will stand tall and strong until they go away.
We can’t please everyone all the time, but we can surely keep those little troubled trolls on the run!
Thanks for allowing me to share with you today and if you’d like to follow my tour, please do so at  and do share your thoughts!

 NONNIE Jules grew up loving books and everything about them.  She has traveled the world, jumped out of planes and climbed many mountains, all thanks to the wonderful world of literature.  She lives with her husband and two daughters on a very quiet strip of land in Louisiana, where red dirt roads and pick-up trucks go hand in hand.  She is the Author of three great reads at present:  "THE GOOD MOMMIES' GUIDE TO RAISING (ALMOST) PERFECT DAUGHTERS," 100 Tips On Raising Daughters Everyone Can't Help But Love!; "Daydream's Daughter, Nightmare's Friend" (a novel);  and "SUGARCOATIN' IS FOR CANDY & PACIFYIN' IS FOR KIDS!" Nonnie is also Founder and President of the widely-known Rave Reviews Book Club, as well as being a sought-after book reviewer with a strong "eye" for perfection. 

She continues to write from many different genres and hopes to teach and touch minds and hearts alike with her very unique style of writing.  She loves positive feedback on her writing and personally responds to each and every email.  Nonnie can be reached at, on Twitter @nonniejules, and do follow her blogs WATCH NONNIE WRITE! {} and ASK THE GOOD MOMMY {}. 

Nonnie's feet are firmly planted in her two most important platforms:  Parenting & Support, where she continually invites the masses to join her.


"THE GOOD MOMMIES' GUIDE TO RAISING (ALMOST) PERFECT DAUGHTERS," 100 Tips On Raising Daughters Everyone Can't Help But Love!; 

"Daydream's Daughter, Nightmare's Friend"; 


Friday, April 4, 2014

Visiting me "Over There" is Angelia Menchan

Welcome to my very first guest blog

Angelia Menchan stopped by to share some pretty awesome reviews.

Don't take my word for it, you can see for yourself:



December 3, 2013
Format: Paperback | Amazon Verified Purchase
Soul Ties was a tough book for me. I saw myself and so many of the people I know in this book. I will definitely be purchasing some hard copies for my family and friends this Christmas. That’s why I love Angelia’s books; she tackles the subject that most are afraid to talk about. This story needed to be told.
Young folk need to listen to the wisdom of the elders. Fletcher learned a hard lesson, but he did step up to the plate. I have much respect for him for that. Men need to be wiser when dealing with women. There are so many Deneisha’s that I know personally. They are seeking the approval and love of someone who doesn’t know how to love. Sometimes you have to love them from a distance. I feel sorry for Deneisha and her mom. They have some deep rooted issues.
Terri is following in the footsteps of Fletcher. She does not love her fiancĂ© Royce. She is just going through with possibly marrying him, because he’s there and that’s what everyone expects.
Fletcher’s parents are my hero’s in this book. Cynthia didn’t interfere in her son’s decision. She and her husband constantly kept them in prayer. That was a lesson for me; I have to learn to let folk make their own decisions and keep them covered in prayer. It may hurt to see them go through the storms resulting from their decisions. But they have to learn just as I learned.
This book will have you doing some serious thinking and evaluating. I always learn from reading Angelia’s books. Purchase this book, you will not be disappointed.

5.0 out of 5 stars Get This Book!
December 22, 2013
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: SOUL TIES: Be Careful Who You Bed and Wed (Kindle Edition)
The "realness" shared in this book had me thinking and nodding my head in agreement throughout its entirety! It is an easy read, and clearly written. This book highlighted the value of learning more about the one we decide to get into a relationship with BEFORE things get too serious. It may be too complicated to undo things later.

5.0 out of 5 stars Don't Get More Real Than This!
November 16, 2013
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: SOUL TIES: Be Careful Who You Bed and Wed (Kindle Edition)
Realism at it's best. I know SOOOO many people like Fletcher and Daniesha, oh man! This situation is such a real life situation, it's not new it's been happening for generations! I swear it's like this woman has delved into every part of my life! Though I'm sure her stories hit home with many others than just me, life is constantly repeating itself, making new things old and old things new again. I felt really sorry for a point. I felt sorry for a point. He of the both of them Knew and Grew better! But, life happens, bad decisions and circumstances happen. He had to fall on his own sword, though if I were him, uh I wouldn't have taken that ultimate plunge, things would just be what they are, hey he had fair warning lol. I know I'm speaking in coded parables but that's because Y'ALL NEED TO READ THE BOOK. Mrs. Angelia Menchan is the ONLY person I know that could take a story that should be well over 200 and give it to you in less than a hun'ed. Yeah I went ghetto, a hun'ed! And you still get the feel that it's a longer story, AND the story hits home in some way form or fashion. Fletch is my hubby, swear to goodness! What made it so bad, I saw some of me in Daniesha, now I wasn't into 'looking' for a man or the stuff she went through at home, my Daddy wasn't passive at all but...yeah, I'm gonna leave it at that. Read this book and learn something people, it may be your own situation in a different kind of way even, or it may be something you see in a friend or family member on all ends. Just read this book. Realism at it's best. Nuff said!

Ms. Menchan and I met through Rave Reviews Book Club, an terrific group of authors who work together to help each other achieve their goals. If you are an author who would like to experience tremendous support or if you are a reader with exceptional taste in your book choices, you should check out Rave Reviews Book Club.