Monday, August 10, 2015

Dead Red Cadillac ★ ★ ★★★

I enjoyed A Dead Red Cadillac

I wasn't introduced to Ms. Dahlke by way of her book A Dead Red Cadillac, instead I bought her non-fiction book "Jump Start Your Book Promotions." A Dead Red Cadillac was mentioned as her first book, and I planned to read it as soon as I go a chance. As it turned out, I got my chance sooner then expected.
I will leave any issues of grammar or editing to others. This is not a strength of mine, and something I struggle with in my own writing. So I will not cast stones in this case. That being said, in some circumstances I will notice errors or typos, but nothing caught my attention or pulled me from the story.
I found the plot believable, and the characters fully developed. I have to say, I enjoyed the chihuahua Spike, as I feel animals have as much character and personality as any human can have. I also have a chihuahua and can easily believe all the antics described.
I recently came across the term "cozy murder mystery" and I think this story qualifies. It was an enjoyable read, without a lot of technical detail, written from the point of view of someone caught up in a situation out of their control. I felt the heroine did all the things an untrained investigator would do, and I found the conclusions she came to believable. For those more interested in the CSI process, this book would not be for you. But if you enjoy a light hearted mystery story, you will enjoy this one.
It is my understand there are other books with the same heroine, which I will add to my to be read list. One of the things I truly appreciated about this story was that it was not a "steamy" "spicy" or "erotic" read. There is a hint of romance, but the story isn't about sex, it's about the situation the heroine finds herself in. I appreciate that sex was not used as a ploy to get more readers, Ms. Dahlke let her story stand on it's own merit. Well, done, Ms. Dahlke.